Thursday, April 27, 2017

About A Boy

Such a Thing as Too Much Free Time
There is no such thing as too much free time. Frankly, I'm not really a huge fan of school in general, even though I love learning. It's just that I don't feel like school actually teaches me what I need to know, or even what interests me. Don't get me wrong, school's not horrible, it's just those times where I feel like I'm getting stressed over a project or paper when I'm not getting anything out of it. Sometimes I just wish I could go home and actually do what interests me specifically so I can actually learn. Why should I have to memorize all those tidbits of history and jumbled formulas that most teachers will even acknowledge that I will forget when I leave the class, when I could stay home and define my interests based off what I like and what I want to do in the future?
"Did you know when I was born that I would be a vegetarian?"
Parents that force their child to have the same views as them frustrates me. Getting angry every time your kid disagrees with you on an opinion doesn't make sense to me. If I was talking to a stranger and said "I like the color blue." and they went "How dare you like the color blue. My favorite color is orange, and therefore yours should be as well.", I would probably walk away confused, yet I see parents treat their children with less respect for their opinions than they would give a stranger.
What is the Point to your Life
I don't really think there is a predestined point to my life. I mean, people should never define themselves to one niche. People are complex, but if people define themselves to a single purpose they end up simplifying themselves, which is toxic to them. I prefer that there are many points to a person's life. Maybe it was planting that tree over by Wilson's Creek, but that may just be as much of a point to your life as when you won that Nobel Peace Prize. A "point" is a complex, interconnected thing. You can't just take out one and expect the rest to be there without some serious consequences. It's more of a series of many points, not defining yourself to one singular purpose.

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